Ravens Quoth Press

My soul shall be lifted nevermore


Charity Anthology for Mental Health Awareness

Charity Anthology for Mental Health Awareness

Dear poets and readers,

With Shards we aim to bring awareness of just how common, just how far reaching mental health issues are. To highlight that they occupy every socioeconomic level, cross all borders of gender, race, ethnicity, orientation, spirituality, and nation. And most importantly, to show others that they are not alone in their struggles.

And hopefully, leave us all with a deeper appreciation, and empathy, for the frailties and complexities that make us human.

The proceeds from this anthology will be split between an Australian, and a US based charity.

About Black Dog Institute

1 in 5 of us will experience symptoms of mental illness in any given year. In Australia that’s around 5 million people. And roughly 60% of these people won’t seek help.

As the only medical research institute in Australia to investigate mental health across the lifespan, our aim is to create a mentally healthier world for everyone.

We do this through ‘translational’ research. Integrating our research studies, education programs, digital tools and apps, clinical services, and public resources to discover new solutions, foster connections and create real-world change.

Our partnerships with people with lived experience, federal, state and local governments, communities, schools, corporate Australia and others in the mental health sector enables us to drive evidence-informed change in mental health where it’s needed most.


About American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Established in 1987, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is a voluntary health organization that gives those affected by suicide a nationwide community empowered by research, education and advocacy to take action against this leading cause of death.

AFSP is dedicated to saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide, including those who have experienced a loss.  AFSP creates a culture that’s smart about mental health by engaging in the following core strategies:

Funding scientific research
Educating the public about mental health and suicide prevention
Advocating for public policies in mental health and suicide prevention
Supporting survivors of suicide loss and those affected by suicide


Thank you for your support!



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