Ravens Quoth Press

My soul shall be lifted nevermore


Dream Second Edition

Dream Second Edition

Launch Date
: 30th July 2023

Digital : $3.99 
Paperback : $13.99 USD  
Hardcover : $17.99 USD

Explore the juxtaposition of darkness and hope in this compelling anthology as international poets craft evocative and uplifting verse.

Death, Despair, and Happy Endings. Sad poetry with happy outcomes from 25 international poets.

Aleksandra Vujisić
Angela Grandinetti
Brianna Witte
Broken Montague
Carol Edwards
Catherine A. MacKenzie
D.J. Elton
Dawn DeBraal
Francis H. Powell
Gabby Gilliam
Gladys Marie Cubias
Greta T. Bates

Karen Kerekes
Keri Withington
Kimberly McAfee
Linda Sparks
Lynn White
Maggie D. Brace
Mark Andrew Heathcote
Max Bindi
Natasha Alva
Renata Pavrey
Renee Cronley
Swayam Prashant
Tim Law

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